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RT Online50
On-line accounting – a brand new service from Robson Taylor
Many thousands of small and medium sized businesses across the country use a system of accounting software called Sage Line50. With the advent of the new RT Online50, any company wanting to use Sage or already using the Line50, can register and then log in via a secure link on the Robson Taylor website and take advantage of the wide range of business money-saving benefits that come from using a secure real-time on-line accounting system.
RT Online50 means that a business manager and their Robson Taylor accountant can have simultaneous access to the same set of computerised accounts. It provides on-the-spot, up-to-the minute business management information, ensuring that business decisions are based on the very latest information. Importantly, it also ends the need to transfer confidential information onto to disc and incur delays and risk by using mail or e mail. Accounts can be accessed round the clock and from any location, with up to six people within in any company able to access accounts at the same time. However, no two users can alter the same information at the same time and high level security systems give equivalent security to internet banking.
The new service will suit many types of businesses including
- new business start-ups
- businesses wanting to outsource some or all their bookkeeping
- multi-site businesses
- international companies which need to monitor subsidiaries
- businesses requiring interim credit management
For more information call the Robson Taylor dedicated online support number: 01225 352650 or e mail [email protected]