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Business Forum
Finding your way through the maze of information available on the internet presents a challenge. Here in our business centre you will find wide-ranging content covering aspects of business planning and management. Our eight Business Guides will lead you into over 100 fact and information centres.
Starting in business? Then this is an essential source of start-up planning. Business General Logo A wealth of ideas for developing your business and extending your range of management ideas and solutions.
Limited Companies Logo Specific guides for all those who own limited company shares, including important legal and tax minimisation for companies and company directors. Partnerships Logo If you’re a partner then our seven guides for partners will provide a useful starting point.
IR35 Centre Logo If you think you may be caught by IR35 contact us. Business Management Logo Some useful basics, including how to raise finance from your bank.
Paye NI Logo Important news on PAYE and NICs, including how to ensure you minimise national insurance.
A wealth of ideas for developing your business and extending your range of management ideas and solutions.
Limited Companies Logo Specific guides for all those who own limited company shares, including important legal and tax minimisation for companies and company directors. Partnerships Logo If you’re a partner then our seven guides for partners will provide a useful starting point.
IR35 Centre Logo If you think you may be caught by IR35 contact us. Business Management Logo Some useful basics, including how to raise finance from your bank.
Paye NI Logo Important news on PAYE and NICs, including how to ensure you minimise national insurance. Vat Logo VAT planning should never be overlooked, including how to plan for the VAT officer’s visit.
These information centres provide a start to developing your business planning, we would welcome the opportunity of advising you on your business development, or if you have any question relating to the information included on our site in relation to your business and personal planning.
Company Searches Logo Company and director searches -information over 4 million businesses and over 9 million directorships. Online Services Logo Including over 200 industry specific planning and marketing reports
Search Logo Use our powerful Search engine to find links to wide ranging access to relevant documents. National Business Register Logo Check your business name on the National Business Register
We welcome the opportunity of advising you in any of these areas – do please contact us for advice or if you have suggestions for guides that should be included in this online information service.